#imstillopen Casey Cardinia Business Directory

The #imstillopen Casey Cardinia region Business Directory is now open! 

Promote your business to the broader City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council communities by adding it to our newly launched Business Directory - a FREE opportunity for Casey Cardinia region based business. 

Best of all, there's three easy ways to list your business: 

  1. Add your business' Facebook page, this will automatically use the information listed on your page (such as business name, opening hours, profile image and introduction).
    *Estimated to take just 20 - 30 seconds of your time! 
  2. Manually add your business' information to the easy to use self-register form.
    *Estimated to take just a few minutes of your time! 
  3. Contact a member of our Economic Development Team at ccregion@casey.vic.gov.au or call 9705 5200 (City of Casey based businesses) or 1300 787 624 (Cardinia Shire based businesses) to help you set up a listing for your business.
    *Estimated to take just a few minutes of your time, plus it's a great opportunity to see if additional assistance is available for your business. 

Terms and Conditions 

By listing your business on this directory, you agree to the below terms and conditions of use. The City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council reserve the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. 

  1. Businesses profiled on the #imstillopen Casey Cardinia region Business Directory must: 
    1. be located in the City of Casey or Cardinia Shire Council, 
    2. have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and hold relevant licences, permits and approvals to operate during the entire listing period, and
    3. be open for business. 
  2. Businesses are responsible for the accuracy of the information displayed on this directory. The City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council take no responsibility for its accuracy and encourage businesses to update their information as it changes. 
  3. We will not accept listings from businesses in the following industries: adult industries, public or private primary and secondary schools, political organisations or publicly owned facilities. 
  4. We will not accept listings with discriminatory, profane or inappropriate language. 
  5. Only one listing per business at each locatio will be permitted. 
  6. The City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council, as the owners of this platform, reserve the right to remove any profile at any time. 
  7. The City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council, as the owners of this platform, reserve the right to remove the platform itself at any time.